Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day Twenty-One (VLCD Day 21)

Definitely stalling... Was going to do an "apple day" but after I had an apple for breakfast I realized that we were out of apples! So I didn't eat until 6:00 in the evening. But yeah... I went to the gym today and worked out for 35 minutes on the elliptical and the stationary bike. I burned about 300 calories there and then did some exercises at home. I need to get below 150 lbs. I really want to be down to 148 tomorrow. If I am, then I will be happy! Hopefully my exercise will make an impact. Also, I cut my coffee intake down to just two 8 ounce cups today, and I'll continue to do so. I drastically reduced my creamer to two teaspoons instead of packing it on sooooo... hopefully these changes will result in some weight loss

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/8/12 <150.0>
Total Weight loss <16.3 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day Twenty (VLCD Day 18)

Still the same. Noooo... Exercised tonight so may be a change in weight. Also, cut out gum, and a lot of the creamer I was using in my coffee. I'm going to start back on my exercising regime and hit the gym at my school three times a week. Also, I'm making sure that I am at least having 64 ounces of WATER. I'm drinking plenty of fluids, but I'm trying to make sure that more than half of those fluids of from plain water only. Hopefully, some weight loss tomorrow. If not. Steak day. I need to go grocery shopping for food anyways. Had another naughty dream about me eating some forbidden food. I really don't remember what I ate, but I know it wasn't good. Funny how I'm starting to all dreams all of sudden.

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/7/12 <150.0>
Total Weight loss <16.3 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Nineteen(VLCD Day 17)

Feel like I'm plateauing again. Nooooo.... It's probably because of the super sugary Orbit Bubblemint gum that I've been chewing like an addict. Oh, I how I love that gum. But it has aspartame in it as well as xylitol which I recently found out that the Trident gum that I've been chewing contains also. Boooo... So most likely, no more gum. I went to Whole Foods today on my way back from work. I love that store! It smells so good when you walk in, and it's not full of pushy people and crying babies all the time, like at Walmart. Anyways, I picked up some french vanilla flavored Stevia and some Teeccino. Stevia is one of the only sweetners that I can have on this diet, along with Sweet N' Low(saccharine). I'm glad I found that stuff, because it really boosts up the flavor in my coffee, and I only need to add one or two teaspoons of creamer. I'm not supposed to have creamer, but I hate drinking my coffee black! I'm still getting used to drinking coffee. Teeccino is a herbal coffee substitute. It's okayyy... but it doesn't taste as good as the Nescafe Taster's Choice instant coffee. I get it in the hazelnut flavor . It taste absolutely delish with the vanilla stevia. Yummy!

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/6/12 <150.0>
Total Weight loss <16.3 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day Eighteen (VLCD Day 16)

Slight plateau. No weight change. Need to do some exercise today. I didn't eat anything until 3:30 pm today, and I had to pile on my glasses of water late that night. I was using the rest room alllllll night long. Kind of uncomfortable. Oh wellllll...

Meee today! Doesn't my hair look purrty?

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/512 <150.0>
Total Weight loss <16.3 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day Seventeen(VLCD Day 15)

I'm starting week three of the VLCD diet. It's hard to believe that I've been on the diet this long. I'm halfway done and twenty pounds away from my goal! I'm so close, and that is a source of motivation for me! My mom said she can see changes in my figure. That's really good. Today, I had my breakfast at around 10 o'clock and then I didn't have lunch until after five! I was okay though. I wasn't really starving. But that had been the latest I have had lunch since I've been on this diet.

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/4/12 <150.3>
Total Weight loss <16.3 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day Sixteen(VLCD Day 14)

I'm down some weight! Yeah baby! My package should be here soon. Can't wait! I'm 20 pounds away from my goal and I'm losing an average of 8 pounds a week. That's really good. If I stick to the routine weight loss I'm having then I won't have to finish up the six weeks. But I'm thinking I should just stick to the whole six weeks so I can lose the maximum amount of weight possible. 130 lbs is just the goal, but if I get lower than that, then that's not bad! My healthy weight range is anywhere from between 111 lbs and 140 lbs. So when I hit 140, I won't be overweight. My BMI right now is 26, which is slight above overweight but I'm only ten pounds away from being healthy. Ten pounds to me is nothing! I really can't wait for the weeks to come because I know I'm going to become slimmer and initially happier! Also, experiencing some more weight confusion. My digital scale said 151.4 and my standard scale said 150 lbs. Well my mom told me she  saw  149, but I'm just averaged the two weights together and got 150.7. That's how I'm going to get my weight from now on when my scales are showing two different weights.

My weight loss progress for two weeks!

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/3/12 <150.7>
Total Weight loss <15.9lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
20 Pounds To go!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day Fifteen (VLCD Day 13)

Two weeks on the diet. Not bad, not bad. My strong will to be skinny is keeping me together. Didn't get to go the doctor again... Ergggghhhh... Angry about that. I got the time for the appointment confused so now I have to wait another 2 weeks for my physical. I want to be down to 140 lbs by the 16th. I think I can do it! So my package didn't come in today but I got a confirmation email (finally) and it said that my package should be here tomorrow. For sure. If not, I'm destroying something. Not really. But I will be angry. Digital scale said I was 153, standard scale 152 ish I think. I'm just gonna stick with digital scale today. Was counting on getting my actual weight from my appointment today but nooooo.... That didn't happen. Sorry guys, I'm still a little bitter. But yeah, I'm so shocked as to how fast the time is going. If I was on the 3-week program, I would have been done with Phase Two in a week and would have been on to Phase Three where the diet isn't as restrictive and you can slowly re-introduce sugar and oils to your diet. Man.... I wish I was on Phase Three... But no, I got 4 more weeks to go. I can already see changes in the top half of my body. Not such much in my arms and legs though. But that will soon go away as I begin to lose more weight.

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/2/12 <153.0>
Total Weight loss <13 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
23 Pounds To go!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day Fourteen(VLCD Day 12)

There is still weight confusion for me today, but whatev... Not gonna worry about it. I will know my weight exactly tomorrow fa sho...  Yesterday I didn't work out and indulged myself with two cups of coffee with creamer (which I realized had sugar in it) so I'm surprised I lost any weight at all. Yesterday I also realized that my gum has xylitol as well as aspartame which is a no-no. So my only indulges will have to be cut out of my diet. Also my stress levels are up because I have an exam next Tuesday over six different sections so this weekend will be dedicated to studying and studying alone. I'm expecting a package today and if it doesn't arrive I will typing angry words on my blog tomorrow...

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Weight on 2/1/12 <153.0>
Total Weight loss <13 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0 lbs>
23 Pounds To go!