Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day Three(VLCD day 1)

Hi guys! Ok, it's almost the end of day 1 of the VLCD and I'm very excited to tell you how my day went. So for breakfast I just had a granny smith apple, 16 ounce of water, and 16 ounces of green tea. At lunch, I had made some sauteed onions and grilled shrimp. It was pretty tasty, but an hour later I started to feel really nauseous. I did not feel well at all. I think my nausea was from the antibiotics that I have to take. It says to take the pills with food, but I had taken the pills right after I had eaten so my stomach wasn't empty... I ate lunch around 1:30 and did not have the desire to eat until around 8:30. For dinner I had a 2 cups of lettuce, grilled chicken, and an orange since I didn't eat my second fruit for the day. I also added in the Melba Toast because I had eaten any of my servings of bread for the day. I got confused on the serving size of the toast though--according to the diet, the serving size is one piece of toast. However, the box said one serving was three pieces of toast and I followed that instead. My bad. That put my calorie limit slightly over 500 calories-- 512 calories to be exact. I also drank 80 ounces of fluid (32 ounces of tea, and 48 ounces of water). I'll probably drink another 16 ounces of tea before the night is over. So, overall, I think this day went pretty well. I never felt like I was starving or dying of hunger. I didn't cave and eat anything I wasn't supposed to, although it's hard with all the restaurants and commercials on t.v. telling you to eat at KFC and Wendy's. Fast food is not a huge problem for me though because I haven't eaten fast food in over three months. But I am really craving some pizza... Forgot to mention, while I was at the store, I picked up some Trident gum to sort of help me with any cravings that I may have. It only contains xylitol which is is a sugar alcohol sweetener. I was disappointed to find out that my favorite gum Orbit Bubblemint contained aspartame which is a no-no while on this diet. Oh well... Excited to weigh myself tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can continue on this diet successfully!

Initial Weight <166.6 lbs>
Goal Weight <130.0>

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